100 Club Draw Results for June

Hello to all Members of the 100 Club.

With the Euros keeping us entertained ( or should that be frustrated) until the real thing starts up again, we had to squeeze in an “On the Road” 100 Club draw into the calendar, this one being June’s draw. For old time’s sake and who knows our final visit there, we plumped for an old stomping ground in Greenhithe, the Sir John Franklyn.

In attendance were usual suspects Mark Hunt, Peter Jackson and myself with Kerry hopefully looking down on us from above.

We nabbed the bar manager, who’s name was Carrie, to do the draw. She knew the score as she had made a draw for us from a previous visit.

So these were the results of her efforts.

First ball drawn out of the black bag and the winner of £150, fittingly we all thought, went to Mark Phillips of Brentwood in Essex, son of the late and still sadly missed, Kerry Phillips, with ball number 43. Congratulations Mark. Nice one!

Second ball drawn out of the bag was number 15, with the winner of £100, being John McArthur of Manor Park, East London! Wait a minute? That’s me! I know this has happened before with the administrator winning a prize but when it happens to you, it does feel strange. However as usual, and as it is not the 3rd prize, when I do always give it back, I will be donating half back to the club (its been a tough month!).

Third ball drawn out of the bag was number 64 and that belonged to Alison Moriarty of Highams Park, Chingford. She wins £50. Congratulations Alison.

Well done to our lucky winners and many thanks to you all for your continued support and participation in the 100 Club.

As we now have the option of paying winnings by internet banking as well as by cheque, please could the winners let me know of their preferences?

With the development Flamingo Park coming on in leaps and bounds, we find ourselves being in the strange situation where we are going to have more home friendly’s (or a day when Bromley allowed us use of their stadium) than away, with the first official match, “in a complete and fully functioning stadium” as being on Saturday 13th July against the “Oldest Football Team in the World”, Sheffield FC, we also have a friendly at Flamingo Park on Friday 26th July against a Crystal Palace XI, so it is planned to have the draw on this date at half time.

Final requests. Can I ask that if there are any changes in your contact details or even in your personal circumstances can you please advise me.

And if any of your friends or family would like to join, please can they get in contact with me and I can send out an up-to-date-form. Unfortunately, the website is still extremely out of date but we hope to have this rectified in the new season….fingers crossed.

Finally, please can Bill Roblett get in touch with me about a question he asked me!

So until the next draw, in our new home, take care and “Be lucky”. Not long to wait now.

And let’s hope the football on show in Germany improves somewhat and maybe something will come home, although it will probably just be the players coming home empty handed as usual. But we can dream!



John McArthur

Admin of 100 Club and P.A at Cray Wanderers Football Club