Hello to all Members of the 100 Club.

Has it really been only a month since the last season ended, with no football for what seems an age, the last game at Bromley FC just a distant memory and the thought of “real” home matches on the horizon at Flamingo Park turning from a dream to an actual reality?

Afraid so but one thing you can guarantee, the 100 Club never stops.

So we now go “On the Road” and find suitable places to carry out the post seasons draws, usually a nice pub somewhere.

The Beehive in New Eltham was the choice this month, last Thursday 30th, where we carried out the draw for May. In attendance were committee members Mark Hunt, Peter Jackson and myself. A toast of “Absent Friends” was made in memory of Kerry Phillips, who was, I’m sure, with us in spirit.

We noticed a father, in the pub, with his young daughter , who was wearing a very old Southampton shirt. We gleaned that she had just attended an event with the Charlton Community Trust, who hold courses at their training ground in Sparrows Lane, which is also round the corner from the Beehive. Would have been remiss of me to ask a ladies age (probably under 11 though?) but her name was Leyla and she was delighted to be asked to make the draw for us.

These were the results of her efforts.

First ball drawn out of the black bag and the winner of £150 was Peter Robinson of Orpington with ball number 29. Congratulations Peter.

Second Prize, for ball number 3, was Jon Smith of St Pauls Cray, who wins £100. Well done Jon.

The third and final prize of £50, went to a recent entrant to the 100 club, Bill Bevan of Beckenham, with ball number 89. Bill is also frontman of a band named “3 Masons” who played at an events curtain raiser at Flamingo Park in September!

Congratulations to our lucky winners and many thanks to you all for your continued support and participation in the 100 Club.

As we now have the option of paying winnings by internet banking as well as by cheque, please could the winners let me know of their preference?

The directors hope that the 100 Club will grow when we get to play at Flamingo Park, which will mean bigger prizes and more funds raised for Cray Wanderers FC. In the meantime, if any of your friends or family would like to join, please email me and I can send out an up-to-date-form. Unfortunately, and despite two attempts at getting it changed, the old form and 100 Club contact details are still on the website. Apologies in advance to Carole Phillips, if you are still receiving 100 club post. However, I think the bank issues have now been sorted out?

We are “On the Road” again for June’s draw, where we have earmarked the Sir John Franklin in Greenhithe with a date of Thursday 27th June. Any members of the 100 Club are welcome to attend.

For July’s draw, it is hoped we can hold it at a Cray Wanderers home friendly, towards the end of the month. There are quite a few in the pipeline but still need to be confirmed so please look out for these on Social Media.

Until then. Take care and “Be lucky” Enjoy the short break (should I mention the Euro’s??) Proper football at Flamingo Park will be with us soon.





John McArthur


Admin of 100 Club and P.A at Cray Wanderers Football Club