The 100 Club
Welcome to the Cray Wanderers 100 Club!
The 100 Club would like to welcome you to the page, we hope you manage to find what you need, be it news & results, a way to join or general information. Below you will find the 100 Club application form and a simple way to sign up online, feel free to contact us if you have any trouble what so ever. The rules are at the bottom of the page, so make sure you familiarise yourself with them. Thank you for supporting Cray Wanderers and good luck!

Cray Wanderers 100 Club Draw Result for February
Please click here for details
The 100 Club is run all year round on behalf of Cray Wanderers FC. Payment of £8 per month per number must be made by bank standing order. Cheques accepted for full annual amount only of £96. Payable to CWFC MONTHLY DRAW CLUB. To join, applicants must be UK-based citizens and 16 years of age or older. There is no limit to the amount of numbers each member may purchase, but each number costs £8 per month.
Numbers are issued on a first come, first served basis. Members will retain the same number(s) each month. No numbers can be reserved. 50% of the income generated each month is returned in prizes, with the remainder going to Cray Wanderers FC and €œ100 Club€ administration. Draws take place €œlive€ at the last home game of each month during the season, or on a match day soon thereafter in the event of a postponed game, and on the last Saturday of each month during the summer break, using a computer generated random number selection programme. During the summer months, occasionally the Draw may also take place live, witnessed by Club officials and/or Members of the Club Committee.
There are three monetary prizes, representing 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, and these are calculated on how many numbers are purchased for each draw. Members are not entered for any draws until the first payment via their standing order, or clearance of cheque for annual amount has been received. Winners are notified and paid by cheque at live draws or sent a cheque by post. Details of winners will be notified by subscribed email service and published in match day programmes and on the Official Club Website. Result of all draws will be binding and final and no correspondence will be entered into.
The right is reserved to amend or revoke these rules at any time, or to close or suspend the €œ100 Club€ with reasonable notice being given members as appropriate. The right is also reserved to reject applications to join the €œ100 Club€ without a reason being given.